Crochet Sphere (circumference 30 st)



ststitches; puntos
mcmagic circle; anillo mágico
scsingle crochet; punto bajo
incincrease; aumento
decdecrease; disminución
inc2/dec2double increase/decrease; doble aumento/disminución
fasten offtie all stitches in the row together; atar todos los puntos

Start with a magic circle
Row   1 [  5 st]:  5sc in the magic circle
Row   2 [ 11 st]:  inc, 2sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 1sc
Row   3 [ 16 st]:  2sc, inc, 3sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 2sc, inc
Row   4 [ 21 st]:  4sc, inc, 5sc, inc, 4sc, inc, 4sc, inc
Row   5 [ 25 st]:  inc, 7sc, inc, 8sc, inc, 7sc
Row   6 [ 28 st]:  22sc, inc, 5sc
Row   7 [ 29 st]:  8sc, inc, 20sc
Row   8 [ 29 st]:  22sc, dec, 6sc
Row   9 [ 28 st]:  8sc, dec, 19sc
Row  10 [ 25 st]:  5sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 2sc
Row  11 [ 21 st]:  dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 5sc
Row  12 [ 16 st]:  1sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 1sc
Row  13 [ 11 st]:  dec, 1sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 1sc
Row  14 [  5 st]:  dec, dec, dec2, dec, dec
Row  16         :  fasten off