DIY photo session backdrop

https://avtanski.net/projects/backdrop is a simple tool that lets you pick custom colors and gradients and use your computer monitor as a…


Surface waves from a pair of NZ earthquakes

Today my DIY seismic sensor captured a pair of strong earthquakes off the coast of New Zealand, over 9400 km…


Mag 6.5 earthquake in Idaho

A nice recording from my DIY seismic sensor of the magnitude 6.5 Idaho earthquake on March 31st 2020. The main…


Earthquake Sensor

A simple and easy to build seismic sensor project, based on a PIC 16F690 microcontroller and a Raspberry Pi. The…


LCD/LED Display Generator

The LCD/LED Display Screenshot Generator has been updated - new simpler interface, support for character matrix displays, 7-segment, 14-segment, and 16-segment displays,…


Peltier-Cooled Cloud Chamber

I finally got to putting up a page for my Peltier-cooled cloud chamber. You can see it in action here (YouTube video).…


Blind spot mapper

A tool for mapping the blind spot in one's visual field. Works best on a desktop/laptop, not suited for mobile devices.


A big surprise this morning - checking my magnetometer's logs I found that it had recorded the strongest magnetic storm…


CME Impact

The magnetometer registered a CME impact on Dec 23, 2014, around 11:18 UTC. This is probably the sharpest CME hit I've…


Solar Wind

Checking my magnetometer today I found this beautiful record.  Last night the Earth entered a fast moving (~700 km/s according…
